10 Reasons Sex is Good for Your Health

Although eating well, exercising and feeling good are great ways to boost your health, I have another solution to add to your healthy lifestyle… It’s fun… It’s free… And it’s natural!  Sex is a pivotal part of a healthy lifestyle, and here are Health Fitness Revolution‘s reasons why:
  • It Keeps You Young:  Frequent sex makes you look younger. People who have sex three or more times a week look tend to look younger.
  • It Curbs Depression:  You release serotonin and DHEA at climax. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates your mood and makes you feel content, happy and hopeful. DHEA has antidepressant effects.

  • It Boosts Your Immune System:  The DHEA you release at climax also boosts your immunity to bacteria and viruses.
  • It Gives You a Healthy Glow: Your hair gets shinier and your skin becomes luminous. In women, boosted estrogen levels contribute to healthier hair and skin; in men, increased testosterone is good for bone density and muscle mass. Both sexes will also produce more collagen, which keeps skin supple and firm.
  •  Sex Makes You More Attractive:  Pheromones make you more attractive to the opposite sex. The more sex you have, the more sex people want to have with you. It’s a type of natural perfume 🙂 .
  • Ladies, It Enhances Your Breasts:  Who needs surgery when sex can make breasts swell up to 25%?
  • Sex Reduces Stress:  A huge dose of oxytocin is released at the point of orgasm. Oxytocin wipes out cortisol, the major stress hormone. Most people in professional settings exist with high cortisol. Plenty of sex will reduce your stress levels and leave you in a state of bliss and relaxation.

  • It Flattens Your Belly: This fact is linked to the one above because increased cortisol in your body contributes to belly fat.  Therefore, sex can help you flatten your abs!
  • It is Great for Total Well-Being:  Sex isn’t just good for the belly, it’s good for your whole body. Your heart rate and blood pressure double, and a vigorous sex session can be the equivalent calorie burn of a strong power yoga class. Plus, orgasms induce the production of phenylethylamine. This brilliant compound increases happiness, confidence, focus AND curbs appetite.
  • It Makes Your More Confident:  Studies have shown that sex and meditation light up similar areas in the brain. The same benefits you’d expect to receive with meditation also come along with a healthy sex life: you feel in tune with yourself and the world around you, your inner guidance is strengthened, you feel calmer, more creative and able to tackle problems with a clear head!


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