Here is President Trump’s Fitness Profile


We used a combination of interviews, internet, library, industry literature, and Samir’s knowledge of over 20 years in health and fitness industry coupled with his experience as 4 times Number 1 Fitness Trainer in U.S. (BTF)

“President Trump’s 2007 book “Think Big & Kick Ass” includes a wide variety of life tips, many of which can be applied in the gym.

    • Passion: find exercises that you genuinely enjoy and become masters at those, this is the most effective way to stick with a workout routine
    • Positivity: Never quit, always believe that your efforts are paying off, even if you don’t see it yet
    • Focus: don’t let temptations overcome your goals. Keep your eye on the prize and don’t stop
    • Think big: Set deadlines for yourself and set the bar high.

Here is the President Trump’s fitness profile:

    • President Trump used to play a lot of sports and loved them as a teenager, he says he was always a good athlete and played football, baseball, soccer, and wrestled. His favorite, however, was baseball, and he was captain of his high school team.
    • President Trump said he had planned going pro in baseball before he got involved in real estate.
    • Now he keeps in shape by golfing and going on walks. He claims that golfing is more effective than you might think, and that when he plays several rounds he notices a change in his weight.
  • Avoids all drugs, including alcohol and marijuana, having avoided them his whole life. Says the untimely death of his older brother, who was an alcoholic, was a wake up call for him.

“Mr. President Trump, please start working out in order to cope with the tremendous pressure you are under! Nothing is more beneficial to fighting stress (especially the huge amount presidents have) than working out, eating healthy, and having spiritual, mental, and social balance.”- HarperCollins author of the fitness book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic

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