20 Healthy Facts About Garlic (spoiler- it boosts the immune system!)


Garlic is one of our favorite additions to dishes because it brings wonderful flavors out naturally. But did you know garlic is more than just a flavor enhancer? It has so many health and wellness properties- it even made our list of the best immune-boosting supplements. Who doesn’t need some extra immune-boosting additions to their home cooking in light of the Coronavirus pandemic?

Health Fitness Revolution also found 20 Healthy Facts about Garlic that you might not have known:

Contains antibacterial and antiviral properties

 Garlic has both antibacterial and antiviral properties. It helps control bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast and worm infections.

Can help prevent food poisoning

Fresh garlic is thought to play a role in preventing food poisoning by killing bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella enteritidis, etc.

May aid in treatment of fungal infections

The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot.

Can help with toothache pain

It can help with toothaches! Simply putting some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties. But be aware that it can be irritating to the gum.

Shown to lower cancer risk

Daily intake of garlic has been found to lower risk of most types of cancer. This anti-cancer property is due to allyl sulphides found in garlic. PhIP, a type of heterocyclic amine (HCA), has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer among women. According to studies, diallyl sulphide found in garlic inhibits the transformation of PhIP into carcinogens.

Can aid those struggling with iron deficiency

Ferroportin is a protein which helps in iron absorption and release. Diallyl sulphides in garlic increase production of ferroportin and help improve iron metabolism.

Helps regulate blood sugar

Garlic regulates blood sugar as it enhances the level of insulin in the blood. This may assist in the control of diabetes. Seek medical advice if you believe the use of garlic could help your condition.

Can improve your mood

Garlic is a great source of vitamin B6 which is needed for a healthy immune system and the efficient growth of new cells. Vitamin B6 can also assist with mood swings and improve your cheery disposition.

Can help those with hyperthyroidism

Garlic contains high levels of iodine which makes it a very effective treatment for hyperthyroid conditions. Treatment with garlic has been shown to greatly improve this condition.

Can help treat colds and congestion

Garlic strengthens the immune system as well as helps to fight chest infections, coughs, and congestion. An old folk remedy is to eat a clove of garlic that has been dipped in honey at the first sign of a cold. Why not try it?

Garlic contains detoxifying properties

Garlic triggers the liver to release toxins from the body, while at the same time protecting the liver from harm. Garlic is great for clearing out and maintaining healthy lungs and stomach.

Can protect against cardiovascular disease

Garlic improves heart health in many ways. It thins the blood to diminish and protect against clots, allows iron to flow better through the body and opens up vessels. It protects the vessel walls as well. Studies have shown that it may help lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Known to lower cholesterol levels

Garlic helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Garlic can help with osteoarthritis

A study found that those who eat high amounts of garlic were less likely to have osteoarthritis.

Regulates cardiac rhythm

Garlic regulates the cardiac rhythm of the heart, helping to avoid Arrhythmia. Those struggling with accelerated heart rate may be overjoyed to hear that there is a natural remedy that they can try before using prescriptions. As always consult your doctor to discuss possible risks and complications.

Garlic can be used as a natural alternative for muscle relaxers

Garlic is a great muscle relaxant.

Can be a great natural expectorant

Garlic works as a great lung decongestant helping to loosen the harmful, infectious secretion of bronchial tubes. Garlic plus some Chilli pepper work as good expectorants.

Reduces water retention

Garlic is highly diuretic due to its essential oils and its low molecular weight sugars.  This means that it reduces water retention in the body.

Can be used as a treatment for intestinal parasites

Cloves of garlic have been used to get rid of Oxyuriasis (intestinal worm) in children, working quite well to completely eliminate amoebas.

Garlic is easy to use

Garlic is cost-effective and delicious so it can be incorporated into your diet easily.


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