Bradley Cooper Workout and Fitness Routine


Celebrities get all the attention, which means they have to look good for the paparazzi, so they have to eat healthy and workout. Forget the scandals and the dating drama, give us their diet and workout routines! Celebs have the benefit of working with expensive trainers and nutritionists to stay red carpet ready, so we’ve done the research and passed it along to you. Bradley Cooper, who gained fame from being in the movie The Hangover, and whose Hollywood career has flourished since, is the feature for this attention Celebrity Workout.  Here is the Bradley Cooper workout routine:

At 39, Bradley Cooper is definitely Hollywood A-list and known for being in great shape. His top 5 fitness tips are: super-set exercises to failure, don’t cheat on your diet for at least 6 weeks while your body detox’s, drink protein shakes- but make sure they are quality, stay focused, and drink A LOT of water.

“Staying focused on your goal helps you get through workouts and keeps you from cheating on your diet. Put a picture of what you want your body to look like in your kitchen. It’s a constant reminder where you need it most.”

Here is what Cooper says about detoxing the body by eating right:

“For at least six weeks. It’s vital you allow your body to rid itself of toxins and keep your hormones at optimal levels. Sugar and processed food cause your body to respond in a way that prevents proper muscle growth.”

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