Fitness Interview with Keith Garvin


Keith Garvin is an Anchor and Reporter for KRPC -he is also a cross fitter who does extreme things, HIIT, survival training, and Olympic weightlifting. In short, this guy is super fit! Keith overcame his phobia of falling by scaling a mountain and is motivated by the thought of being active with his family for the rest of life. Keep reading our exclusive interview to find out what this adventure man does on a daily basis to stay healthy:

HFR: What is your daily exercise and nutrition routine?

Keith: I am a CrossFitter & workout 3-5 times a week. CrossFit is a combination of high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, & gymnastics

HFR: What keeps you motivated to stay healthy?

Keith: I’ve been drawn to athletics & physical fitness most of my life.  What motivates me now is being healthy for my family & my future grandkids

HFR: Do you believe that being fit and healthy has contributed to your successful career?

Keith: I definitely believe being physically fit gives you a level of confidence in most every aspect of your life

HFR: What inspires you, in general?

Keith: The promises of Jesus Christ & also people who strive to make a positive difference for the right reasons, i.e., doing what is right minus ego & self-promotion

HFR: What tips would you give your fans and our readers to staying healthy?

Keith: Doing something is better than doing nothing! You don’t have to run marathons or do CrossFit to be healthy.  Walk around the block, do pushups, or jumping jacks a few times a week.  Just be better than the version of you that would rather sit on the couch & eat potato chips all day.  And don’t forget that a bad diet can ruin a good workout regimen

HFR: Share something that most people don’t know about you!

Keith: For years I have had a phobia of falling.  Not a fear or phobia of heights but a bona fide phobia of falling; they’re related but not the same.  I’ve tried to tackle that phobia head-on by summitting Mt. Rainer a couple of times & learning to do handstand walks

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