7 Benefits of BodyCombat


BodyCombat is a high-intensity, full body workout incorporating aspects of boxing, martial arts, and aerobics. The term was first coined by Les Mills. It is a type of cardio peak training, which is a combination of steady and high-intensity exercise. Cardio peak training has been proven to be very effective and is similar to high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Here is a list of benefits of BodyCombat.

Burning Calories/Weight Loss

As an intense aerobic exercise, BodyCombat is a high-calorie burning activity. According to research from BodyCombat clubs, a person can burn on average 740 calories for every 55 minute BodyCombat session. The amount of calories burned can vary considering factors such as weight and height. It is one of the most effective ways to burn calories and fat than other cardio-based exercises.

Muscle Toning

The combination of kicks, punches, and other defensive moves in rhythmic, regulated paces with varying intensity requires one to engage with different muscle groups. As a result, BodyCombat is a great form of exercise to tone your muscles.

The martial arts aspect of BodyCombat incorporates the upper and lower body, which makes it a good full body workout. Consequently, muscle toning decreases your probability of having Type II diabetes and helps your immune system. Other benefits include decreasing the chances of getting various forms of cancer and reducing risk of osteoporosis. 


In terms of cardio, BodyCombat can improve your stamina, similar to running when it comes to improving your stamina. The high impact workouts are split into timed intervals, which helps maximize your heart and lung capacity. This type of workout is good for your cardiovascular health and aids in improving heart function, decreasing total cholesterol, and reducing blood pressure.

Stress Reliever

BodyCombat is a great way to release stress through intense and energetic workouts. The activity provides an outlet to channel negative emotions. Conversely, BodyCombat can bolster self-confidence and self-esteem because of the release of stress and improved physique. Therefore, BodyCombat can be beneficial for one’s mental health.


The martial arts aspect of BodyCombat requires one to move and shift their body rapidly and with agility in different directions. As a result, this leads to fast reflexes. Within a short period of time, people have to change positions and posture. Thus, training the body to be flexible and adaptable.

The cardio element of BodyCombat differs from other workouts by its intensity and the amount of agility needed. The combination of speed and multidirectional training to execute each move improves on agility improves one’s overall reflexes.

Core Strength

Another benefit of BodyCombat is strengthening the core. BodyCombat is a type of training called “reactive core training.” Reactive core training focuses on strengthening core through your natural reflexes. For example, moves such as punches and blocks activate the core muscles you use in your everyday life.

In fact, front kicks and alternating jabs require up to 1.6 times more core activation than regular crunches. A recent study at Penn State University also found core activation in a BodyCombat class to be the equivalent of doing around 1700 crunches.


BodyCombat is a non-contact workout, which reduces risk of the injury. Therefore, the low risk appeals to a lot of people. Also, BodyCombat action sequences teach self-defense moves, which can be beneficial in emergency situations. No equipment needed other than wearing appropriate workout clothes and shoes.

Additionally, BodyCombat is an activity that can be self-regulated. In other words, people can structure and vary the intensity of BodyCombat workouts tailored to their personal needs. There are many different options to accommodate people of all different levels. 

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