5 Reasons Why Breakfast IS Important


We all once heard those same old sayings, “Don’t skip your breakfast!”, or “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”, but some of us might actually skip breakfast more frequently though we are reminded not to do so. Either we do this because we’re running late — of which there are simple and healthy breakfast ideas which you could always refer to — or some of us are just too lethargic to put in so much effort in the early mornings to prepare our breakfast.  

But here’s why you shouldn’t skip your breakfast again. 

One of the main reasons why breakfast is so important is because breakfast is the body’s source of energy. The science behind it is; according to Better Health Channel, glucose is the body’s energy source and is absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. 

When there are times where you fast (not eat) — such as, overnight when you are sleeping — you probably have gone 12 hours without food, and therefore, your glucose is lower. When you eat your breakfast in the morning, it will boost your energy and restore all the glucose levels that have been lost, thus, breakfast keeps your metabolism up for the day. 

Better Health Channel also mentioned how research has shown that breakfast eaters ten to be more physically active in the morning than those who skipped breakfast. 

Added to that, eating breakfast makes you thinner. According to WebMD, researchers have found that on average, people who eat breakfast are thinner than those who don’t eat breakfast. 

This is because, eating a meal with protein and fibre in the morning keeps your appetite checked for the entire day. Also, if you are on a diet, remember that skipping a meal,including breakfast, won’t help either. WebMD explained that studies show that most people who lose weight actually eat their breakfast everyday. 

Another thing that WebMD mentioned is that when you skip breakfast and don’t have your appetite checked, you’ll get really hungry and you will more likely choose unhealthier meals for you to eat. Which means, you can probably eat more calories and ingest more fat therefore making it hard for you to lose some extra pounds. 

Moreover, breakfast keeps you more focused! Natural Balance Foods explained that eating a healthy breakfast could help us focus for our daily routines because when your early appetite is checked, you will not dwell on the times as you count the minutes until lunchtime. 

Your breakfast will eventually fuel you until lunchtime and will give your brain the essential energy to function and focus on your daily tasks, Natural Balance Food described.

Breakfast could also help you decrease the risks of catching diseases. Time Magazine reported that skipping breakfast is associated with increased risk of diseases from obesity, diabetes, heart disease and lower dietary quality. 

Time Magazine described that a small study in 2017 showed that eating breakfast could improve health metabolism, which could have the potential to burn body fat and fight chronic diseases such as, type 2 diabetes.  

The findings also suggest that breakfast lowers people’s risk of cardiovascular disease and that “if a morning meal increases a person’s total calorie consumption, those calories may be offset by other energy-burning benefits.” 

Lastly, WebMD did explain that eating breakfast will equip our body with essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Breakfast meals are rich in nutrients like folate, calcium, iron, B vitamins and fibre. WebMD described that people who eat their breakfast are more likely to meet their recommended intakes of vitamins and minerals compared to those who skip their breakfast. 

Vitamins, minerals and nutrients are essential to ensure your health and vitality. 

It is true indeed that breakfast could ensure our health and vitality, as Mayo Clinic reported that adults who eat healthy breakfast eat more vitamins and minerals. 

Mayo Clinic explained that a combination of healthy grains, low-fat dairy, lean protein, fruits and vegetables will equip us with a healthy combination of carbohydrates, fiber, protein and a small amount of fat which will have health benefits for our bodies and helps you feel full for hours.

Altogether, it is important to remember that a meal in the morning could really boost your energy and make you fit. If you’re in a rush, there are 5 ways to a quick and healthy breakfast

So, it comes back to the old saying; don’t skip your breakfast, folks!

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