Fitness Interview with NBC 5’s Jack Highberger


In an industry where he is constantly on the go, Emmy Award-winning reporter Jack Highberger accredits his success to maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle. His main priority is to be an inspiration for others, and he is doing just that! In our exclusive interview, he shares his knowledge, experiences, and even a recipe for promoting a healthy lifestyle both inside and outside the newsroom.

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HFR: What is your daily exercise and nutrition routine?

Jack: I love running, biking and usually make it outside for one or the other at least six days a week. Of course, there are days where a run becomes a run/walk and I’ve learned to embrace that some days the mental health benefits of light exercise outweigh those of a more intense routine that might feel forced. I begin most days with a smoothie recipe that I picked up from Moby of all people. Perhaps I’m odd, but I think it goes great with a cup of coffee and since I began having it for breakfast 4-years ago my skin has almost completely cleared up. As most TV journalists can attest, eating lunch/dinner at work is difficult because of how busy the middle of a shift is and as a result, frequently unhealthy. I sometimes bring a lunch but have found as I’ve gotten older a mid-day snack is often enough. Dinner is my favorite meal and I try to vary what I prepare but a spinach salad is a constant, which I’ve found helps me gauge how hungry I actually am.

HFR: What keeps you motivated to stay healthy?

Jack: I think part of getting older is realizing the primary motivation behind any health regimen should be maintaining your body and mind so you can achieve your personal and professional goals. This isn’t to deny that we all want to look our best but quite honestly that part of it, for me at least, has become increasingly secondary with each passing year.

HFR: Do you believe that being fit and healthy has contributed to your successful career?

Jack: The mental health benefits of exercise and a reasonable diet I believe are invaluable in any high-stress profession. If I miss a few days in a row of running/biking or overeat multiple meals consecutively, I can feel it manifest as extra stress, anxiety during my workday.

HFR: What inspires you, in general?

Jack: Simply put, I hope to offer something each day that is of value to others. I know, that may not be the most ‘inspiring’ answer but I believe inspiration should at least attempt to serve more than just the person who is inspired.

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HFR: What tips would you give your fans and our readers to staying healthy?

Jack: Build your own exercise and health routine. There are so many ideas and resources available and I believe it really comes down to piecing together what works for you and most importantly, maintaining it.

HFR: Share something that most people don’t know about you!

Jack: Geez, I don’t know. I’ll say this as a Dallas resident, if I’m going to throw a day of clean eating out the window, I’m going to do it by overindulging in some of the best tacos our country has to offer.

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