Top 8 Benefits of using LED Lights in the Workplace (and at Home!)


LED (Light Emitting Diodes) lights are the latest and most fascinating technological advancement in the lighting industry. LEDs are small, powerful, energy-efficient, and long-lasting. Not only do they offer an exceptionally longer lifespan than traditional incandescent lighting (60,000 hours), they also use significantly less energy (90% more efficient), have reduced maintenance costs, and have higher safety. But what benefits do they have for us, the user? Here are the top benefits of using LED lighting in the workplace and at home.

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No noise.

It is a well-known fact that other lighting sources will begin making buzzing sources after they hit a certain age. This low, constant noise can become quite distracting and gets annoying fast. 

Decrease the risk of headaches

Better lighting and the absence of noise and light flickering that is common with other sources of lighting lowers the prevalence of headaches in the workplace. By reducing the number of headaches you also increase productivity!

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Increase productivity

It makes sense that if employees work in an environment free from annoying buzzing and flickering that is common with other lighting options, they will be more productive. Also, LED lights can be dimmed or brightened depending on the time of day or activity being performed- if it’s late, brighten them up! 

Helps regulate circadian rhythms

LED lights were designed with human circadian rhythms in mind and produce many great health benefits because of it. LED lights regulate circadian rhythms by removing the blue light wavelengths that cause abnormal alertness levels and productivity, which causes problems such as insomnia and stress or anxiety. There is an article by AMA that describes several benefits of LED lights. 

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LED lights are compatible with smart lighting

LED lightbulbs are compatible with smart lighting devices that can make it possible to dim lighting, turn lighting on and off, and even set up timers for when lighting is needed. 

Decreases power demands.

According to SpecGrade LED, LED lights generate the same or better lighting while requiring only 50% of the energy requirements of an incandescent bulb. This decrease in power demands means that lights can function even in low power and offices become less likely to experience the struggle of the lights blinking off and on during storms and other adverse weather conditions. 

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LED doesn’t create as much heat.

Traditional lights produce quite a bit of heat which could make employees too warm and increase sweating and dehydration, especially in environments that are already hot like warehouses. 

Decrease Seasonal Affective Disorder

LED lights more closely resemble natural light, so they are a better alternative to traditional lighting sources because they help employees feel happy and safe year-round.  

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